Manage Your School Effortlessly

Provide your staff a comprehensive platform to manage their daily tasks to increase productivity & performance.

Experience the revolution of school management

Discover the magic of SkoolSheet, our smart platform lets you manage academics, finance, communication, all from single platform.

Admission Management

Enroll students with ease

Enable online admission effortlessly with custom forms, application fee, and enroll them directly on platform after approval. Upload offline admission list in single click and get complete control over admission management whatsoever.

Dashboard Skoolsheet school management system
Dashboard Skoolsheet school management system
Attendance Management

Keep track of staff & student attendance

Manage & monitor realtime attendance records. View deep insights via advance attendance reports at institute level, class level, as well as individual user records. Grant leaves, adjust absents in payroll, & lot more with SkoolSheet.

Finance Management

All finance stuff at your fingertip

Automate fee collection, manage income/expenses, inventory, payouts, and more effortlessly. Get a comprehensive insights of your institution’s financial status with our advance financial reports, designed to help you identify and analyze trends.

Dashboard Skoolsheet school management system
Dashboard Skoolsheet school management system
HR Management

Manage your staff like never before

Get rid of outdated staff management, manage staff information & documents in digital files. Add custom roles, custom fields, to suit your needs.
Automate class routine for teachers, assign work digitally, enhance workflow, and lot more. 

Efficient Administration, Superior Control

Role Based Access

Give personalized experience to each user roles, the users have access to modules that matters to them, while admin have complete control.

Effective Communication

Allow better communication among staff members with chatrooms, messages, & task managers that allows assigning work to staff digitally.

Realtime Reports

Keep an eye on school administration from anywhere by accessing realtime reports of attendance, finance, charges, etc. from any device.

Superior Control

Get complete control over any data, one click exports (csv, excel, or pdf), customizable columns, historic analysis, session manager & lot more.

"It's like embarking on a magical journey."

Leap to the Peak with SkoolSheet, providing best-in-class management software for schools.

Customers rave about our product

From teachers to students, everyone loves SkoolSheet!
